Our booking system is very simple and easy to use.
Once you register to MOTBooking.com you can start booking MOT appointments instantly. Our system is a unique appointment booking system designed for MOT stations, garages or traders.
Below are 2 simple steps explaining how to book an MOT and send a reminder on our booking system.
Step 1: Booking an MOT
When you log in to your account you will see your personal booking calendar. Simply select a date and time on the calendar and fill out the car and customer details on the right side of the page.
Once you have entered the details click ‘confirm booking’ button and the MOT will be booked on the calendar.
All data entered for example name of customer is stored in your personal database and can be viewed in the ‘customer address book’ section. In this section you can edit, search, add or download data.
Step 2: Sending a SMS or E-mail reminder
To send a reminder you need to click on the MOT booking you wish to send a reminder for. When you click on the appointment you then complete the information on the right side of the page.
You tick pass and enter an expiry date, then you select a reminder to send and click ‘submit’ button.
Once you click submit the SMS or E-mail reminder will be booked to be sent, your customer will receive their reminder 3 weeks before the expiry date of their MOT.