To send an SMS you click on the MOT booking you wish to send a reminder for. Then complete the information on the right side of the page. You tick pass and enter an expiry date, then select a reminder to send and click ‘submit’ button.
All SMS bookings are logged and saved in the ‘SMS reminder setup’ section. At the end of each month all SMS’s are totalled up and a outstanding payment will be displayed.
For example if you booked 120 SMS reminders this month, at the end of the month it will show an outstanding payment for 120 SMS reminders which is 120 x £0.30 = £36.00. View below:
Week beginning
SMS's Booked that month
Amount Due
Deleted date
When you click the ‘Paynow’ button you can pay for the SMS reminders with your Credit / Debit card or PayPal account. The SMS’s are then booked in our database ready to be sent 3 weeks before the expiry date of the customers MOT. If you do not pay for the SMS’s that you have booked before the deleted date then your SMS’s will be automatically be deleted from the database.
Sending an E-mail reminder
To send an E-mail you click on the MOT booking you wish to send a reminder for. When you click on the appointment you then complete the information on the right side of the page. You tick pass and enter an expiry date, then you select a reminder to send and click submit.
The e-mail reminder is then booked in our database ready to be sent 3 weeks before the expiry date of the customers MOT. To send an E-mail reminder is free of charge.